Google Play Books Now Has Over 300 Free Ebooks for Children

As a parent, finding books for your children to read either on their own or with you can be an expensive undertaking. In addition to the price of books (for all ages) going up year after year, it can also be an increasingly difficult proposition to find a place to put them all. That’s why it’s good news for parents everywhere that Google is just giving away digital kids’ books.

Wait, how many books?

Google dropped the news today that it had made over 300 non-fiction children’s books available on its Google Play Books platform. What’s even more of a pleasant surprise is that all of these titles will have the option to read and listen at the same time. Reading a book while listening to it is a tried and tested method of assisting children with their reading comprehension and decoding skills.

In addition to this massive book drop, Google also announced that it had put thousands of audiobook previews on its YouTube channel. Although these previews were already available on the Android and iOS mobile apps, I have a feeling that more people are browsing YouTube than are browsing Google Play Books. It’s also worth noting that when it comes to audio books, the narration is just as important as the plot, so having a preview is a vital part of making an informed purchase.

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