Guide to Manx Dance Goes Online 40 Years Being First Published

The essential guide to Manx folk dancing was first published in 1983 as a book and cassette.

An essential guide to Manx folk dance has gone online more than 40 years after it was first published.

Still the ‘go-to’ reference book for both new and experienced dancers, Rinkaghyn Vannin – the Dances of Mann was produced in 1983 by members of the dance group Bock Yuan Fannee and folk dance collector Mona Douglas and published by the organisation Sleih gyn Thie.

Three years later, a cassette of the accompanying dance music recorded by John Kaneen and featuring a variety of leading Manx musicians was released as a learning aid.

Now, after four decades, the trustees of Sleih gyn Thie and Culture Vannin have worked together to make both the book and music audio freely available online.

Former trustee of Sleih gyn Thie and one of the dancers behind the book, Rosemary Speers said: ‘Rinkaghyn Vannin was produced by a team of us in response to the growing interest in Manx dance, both in the island and internationally through the growth of folk festivals.

You can read more in an article by James Campbell   in the Isle of Man Today web site at: