Introducing the 2024 Webinar Series on Legacy Family Tree Webinars

From theMyHeritage Blog:

We’re thrilled to announce the opening of registration for the 2024 Legacy Family Tree Webinars series on Legacy Family Tree Webinars. This year, we’re offering a dynamic lineup of 168 live webinars, taught by some of the most respected educators in genealogy. Our 2024 series features 112 expert speakers from 14 different countries including 30 new faces.

New and Exciting Series for 2024:

Artificial Intelligence for Genealogists: Explore the latest AI advancements in genealogy.

England Counties Research: A deep dive into the genealogy of various English counties.

The Best of Elizabeth Shown Mills: Genealogy Problem Solving: Elizabeth Shown Mills returns for another year, exclusively for webinar members.

In addition to these, we have a variety of specialized series covering regions like Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Canada, and Mexico. Plus, don’t miss our exclusive MyHeritage Webinars and sessions by the Board for Certification of Genealogists.

The full article is much longer and can be read (in it’s entirety) at: