Learn Exactly Who Your Irish Ancestors Were During Your Next Vacation to Ireland

If you have Irish ancestors, I bet you will be interested in this article:

One of Ireland’s most popular museums has a service that allows you to uncover your Irish ancestry. EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum tells the story of Irish emigration throughout the generations. 

It is a fascinating visit for any Irish American as it tells the story of why their family might have moved from Ireland to the United States hundreds of years ago. Many Americans can trace their heritage back to Ireland and for a large number of them, a vacation to Ireland feels like a visit home

But those wanting to go that bit further and learn exactly where they came from can do so at the EPIC museum in Dublin. A team of genealogists in the Irish Family History Centre here offer consultation to help people uncover their Irish roots and find out who they are descended from. 

A personalized one-to-one consultation begins with the genealogist finding out where you are on your research journey, what documents you have, and everything you know. From there, they go through available tools to develop a search strategy. 

According to David Cleary, EPIC’s Sales & Operations Director, you will probably be surprised at what you can discover about yourself and your Irish roots. David spoke to IrishStar.com to explain how the process works and what sets it apart from other ancestry services. 

“Often when I go out and talk to people and meet Americans, they love to connect,” he explained. “They love to tell their own stories. They love to say they’re Irish and they’ve done their DNA [test]. It’s a great conversation starter.

You can read the full article by Brian Dillon published in the irishstar.com web site at: https://bit.ly/3vTUx77.