Marianas Agupa’ to Feature Genealogy of Local Families

Are you attempting to research ancestors and other family members in the Mariana Islands? If so, you will be interested in this press release from KWAW Radio in the Mariana Islands (you can listen in from anywhere in the world):

This Saturday, July 2, at 10 a.m., the Chamorro Cultural Talk Show on Marianas Agupa’, KWAW Magic 100.3FM, will feature Herman T. Guerrero who will discuss “Håli’ Familia Giya Marianas” or the genealogy of families in the Marianas.

You can also listen online via TuneIn, YouTube or Facebook. Glenn Manglona is the host of the talk show.

The presentation in Chamorro will be followed by a Q&A call-in and chat with the public via social media.

The public is also encouraged to participate in a survey after the talk show to help improve the show and identify future shows and cultural experts. Details about the survey will be provided during the talk show and posted on the Marianas Agupa’ Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Marianas-Agupa-Show-278884342457682 and YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5heKROsqcSVHg5ztadbDHA.