At our 50th Anniversary Celebration on May 18, we plan on providing our society’s 50th anniversary cookbook with 54 wonderful ancestor recipes given by 25 of our almost chef like members for a donation. Each recipe has an interesting story of how and where it came from. Many ancestor recipes came from overseas provided by our members.

Several recipe examples as shown above include one member indicated his mother said it was the “Next Best Thing to Robert Redford” cake recipe. You can imagine what that must taste or even look like. Another member indicated a favorite is my mother-in-law’s recipe for “Pecan Pie-lettes” (think little pies). For many years, I’ve served them at my Holiday party where one gentleman always enters saying “where are those nutty crunchy things?” And finally, another member indicated my mother made “Butterhorns” every Christmas and continued through every Christmas of her life. She delivered them to many friends, family, and offices each year and they were always a huge hit.
Our committee feels these recipes will become a favorite or yours too! We would like to know how many cookbook copies your family would acquire for a donation, whether it be one cookbook or more? Each cookbook will require a suggested donation of $20 each. They will be in spiral bound booklet form.
Order your 50th Anniversary Cookbook today as they are expected to go fast! The cookbook is for a very worthy cause as a donation!
You can donate online or in person at our next two general meetings! Please bring only multiple $5, $10, or $20 bills! Please, no bills larger than $20 at our meeting!
You can pick up your cookbook(s) at our 50th anniversary party on May 18 at the Fort Collins Senior Center. If you want them mailed to you, there is another $5 shipping charge for each cookbook for mailing them to any address in the U.S. only! Use the order form above to list the mailing addresses and the total cost!
You have three options to make your payment for the cookbook(s): 1) Use the PayPal online payment secure service by selecting the Donate button below, 2) bring your check to our next general meetings at the Fort Collins Senior Center, or 3) mail a check to our society at PO Box 270737, Fort Collins, 80527-0737
I’m sure you will want to attend our 50th anniversary party in person and hear from our past nine presidents about their term and achievements in office, enjoy the cake, and save on the cookbook mailing cost.
Thank you for your donation! See you at our 50th anniversary party!
Thank you for visiting our website!