The Larimer County Genealogical Society is pleased that you have joined our society. You will find many benefits as listed in our Membership page or our Membership Directory.
Our new members can view our many webpages to find what our Society has to offer. If you don’t find answers to your questions here, contact the relevant Committe Chair or the President.
Starting with our January meeting, the general meetings will be held on Zoom due to the snowy weather conditions. Starting in March, we will revert back to hybrid (in-person & Zoom) meetings in the Prairie Sage room at the Fort Collins Senior Center on Saturday mornings from 10 am to noon. The senior center is located at 1200 Raintree Drive in Fort Collins. Closest intersections are So. Shields at Raintree Drive. See map below. Please visit our home page or Events webpage for our monthly programs!

Transportation is available to take you to the meetings. If you want to attend our monthly meetings, but do not have a means of transportation, don’t want to drive at night, or would just like some company to go with, we have a group of volunteers ready to provide transportation. If you should need a ride, please contact Vice President Kathy Patrick at 970-206-1664 and she will arrange for someone to pick you up. 48 hours notice would be appreciated.
Society events and classes are listed monthly in the newsletter and on the website calendar. We host quite a few classes and workshops on genealogical topics like: Intro to Genealogy, Genealogy On the Internet and much more. In addition, all general meetings except the annual business meeting, have speakers who lecture on a broad range of genealogical topics. The calendar also shows programs sponsored by other organizations such as genealogy conferences in the area. We strive to keep our members informed of anything that might be interest to genealogists. Members or visitors also can download our “LCGS 2024 Class and Program Schedule.
Our bimonthly newsletter is distributed every other month beginning in in January. As a member, you can view our Newsletter Archives with your password going back to 2003. The newsletter includes our president’s message, Family History Center news, genealogy websites, society events, genealogy research tips and member’s ancestor stories. You can search for articles by using the Search bar in the header.
The membership term is January 1 to December 31 so your membership will come up for renewal at the beginning of the year, regardless of when you joined. Renewal applications will be available online at the bottom of this webpage and at the general meetings.
Our Membership Directory is published in April. The digital directory includes a history of the Society, names and biographies of the Board Members, a list of Committees, photographs and contact information for each member. The digital directory can be downloaded and printed on your printer.
There are many free and subscription genealogy databases available for new members to start researching their ancestors. Ancestry.com is the most popular subscription database, with over 1 billion records worldwide. Available at major libraries in Fort Collins and Loveland plus all FamilySearch Centers. Many of the subscription databases offer one to two week free trials and monthly or annual rates. You can Download our free 2024 Popular Genealogy Websites.
Society Programs
View our Society Committee page to see volunteering opportunities available to you.
Thank you for visiting our website!