Muskingum County Genealogical Society to Relocate

During the remodeling of John McIntire Library, MCCOGS Genealogy Library will move to the Ohio University Zanesville Library in Herrold Hall.

The last day the Genealogy Library will be open is Saturday, September 14.

We can not take all of our collection because of the space available to us. So we will be focusing on the materials that apply to Muskingum County, including the yearbooks, and family histories.

We do not have a date set for reopening at OUZ. Once we unpack, we will need some time for the volunteers to familiarize themselves with the new location. We will announce on Facebook, local media, etc.

The Genealogical Society is having a book sale during their normal hours of operation that will consist of duplicate materials and historical literature that has less to do with local genealogy.

Thank you for your patience during this time.