National Archives Grant Will Fund Pittsburgh Records Digitization, ‘A Real Boon’ for Genealogy

The following is an extract from an article by Ashley Murray and published in the Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Post-Gazette at https://bit.ly/3wVQv8O:

If you’ve ever wanted to explore 19th-century Pittsburgh City Council records, learn what was happening in Allegheny City — today’s North Side — just before its annexation, or delve into the local development decisions during the last 100 years, you may be able to soon do so thanks to a national grant that will kick off two years of digging through files and books that have been hidden or forgotten in city basements.

Just under $134,000 from the National Archives and Records Administration will fund the processing of 751 cubic feet of historical government records that contains seven collections from City Council, City Planning, the Planning Commission, the Department of Public Works, the Historic Review Commission and the Urban Redevelopment Authority.

The full article may be found at https://bit.ly/3wVQv8O.

The public can find links to records that are currently digitized at pittsburghpa.gov/clerk/instructions.