Preservation Society of Charleston, South Carolina Launches Online Database of Historic Markers

Whether it’s a case of hidden history or an overwhelming number of spots to take in, a collection of historical experts in Charleston are working to make learning about the city a bit easier.

The Preservation Society of Charleston is connecting a 50-year-project with the Internet.

“It’s a living database,” said Laurel Fay with the Preservation Society of Charleston. “It’s called the Historic Markers Map.”

Fay has put six months into the project, helping to narrow down some of the city’s history.

“It’s a publicly accessible tool and anyone who is interested in learning more about Charleston and our historic markers can go to this website and kind of explore,” she said.

The group has put around 150 markers at homes and other structures throughout the peninsula. Each marker provides details, including when the structure was built, who lived there decades and even centuries ago, and even their roles in Charleston’s society.

You can read more in an article by Jason Tighe published in the web site at: