Study Groups

Welcome to Our Society’s Study Groups!

We have seven society study groups that meet monthly to research specific genealogy categories. Members and visitors are welcome to attend.

The study groups include: British Isles Ancestry, DNA (aka Genetic Genealogy), Colonial Ancestry, Family History Writing, German Ancestry, Irish Ancestry, and Technology! Please contact the study group coordinator for more details and meeting information.

LCGS Study Group Information

Should you contact any of the leaders listed below for more info, please send an email and they should answer you in the evening or within 24 hours.

British Isles Study Group

This group discusses their British ancestors, British databases, and personal stories from the members in their British research.

Leader: Open (email: [email protected]) if you would consider being a facilitator for this group.

Visit their webpage British Isles Study Group Webpage.

Colonial Study Group

This group discusses the colonial times when your early ancestors arrived in America, colonial databases, and personal research by the members.

Leaders: Contact Ken Horne or Karen Wente (email: [email protected]). Meets 2nd Thursday, 1 PM. Contact either leader for location.

Visit their Colonial Study Group webpage.

DNA Study Group

This group reviews different forms of DNA, DNA labs and their websites, how to use DNA to overcome brickwalls, other related DNA topics in researching your ancestors, and personal stories by the members.

Leader: Contact Glenn York (Email: [email protected]). Meets last Monday from 6-8:30 PM. Location changes so check our homepage for monthly schedule.

Visit their DNA study Group webpage.

Family History Writing Group

This group discusses how to research and write a family history using multiple methods. Each member will provide a personal family history while researching their family history.

Leader: Contact Bruce Harshberger (Email: [email protected]). Meets second Tuesday at 3:30 pm. Contact leader for location.

Visit their Family History Writing Group webpage.

German Study Group

This group discusses their German ancestors, German databases, and personal stories from the members in their German research.

The German Study Group meets at the Harmony Library in the Community Room on the last Wednesday of each month or on Zoom at 1 pm.

Leader: Contact Lyn Alex (Email: [email protected]) for more info.

Visit their German Study Group webpage.

Irish Ancestry Study Group
This group discusses various subjects from personal research to using local and overseas databases in researching their Irish roots.

Leader: Contact Mary Novotny (Email: [email protected]). Meets 4nd Thursday from 1:30 – 3:30 PM online via Zoom. Contact Mary for Zoom info.

Visit their Irish Study Group webpage.

Technology Study Group

They discuss a variety of technology subjects including genealogy software, databases, and devices in helping to research your genealogy. Many members give their comments on these technology subjects.

Leader: Contact Bob Larson (Email: [email protected]). Meets the 2nd Wednesday at 7 PM on Zoom.

Visit their Technology Study Group webpage.

Study Group Leaders & Coordinators Info:

Leaders Guidlines_CCGS

Coord Responsibilities_CCGS

Coord Agenda Format_CCGS

LCGS Flyer Example

Report to Board Format_CCGS

Thank you for visiting our website!

Ancestry.com Study Group

Our society has a new Ancestry.com Website Study Group, which will meet monthly on the 4th Monday from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Zoom. Study Group Description The study group’s goal will be covering Ancestry in detail including their databases, hints, trees, tree sync, search recommendations, new memories creation of ancestor stories, DNA, and …

British Isles Study Group

BRITISH STUDY GROUP GOALS The goal of the British Isles Study Group is to learn about their British ancestors using many available resources. Study Group Facilitator (open), one of our instructors and lecturers for our society and others. BSG Leader Info BSG Leader: Joy Michels. Email [email protected] to contact the British facilitator. MEMBERSHIP Study groups …

Colonial Study Group

CONTACT INFO For more information on the Colonial Group, please contact the group leaders Ken Horne & Karen Wente at email: [email protected] COLONIAL STUDY GROUP GOALS The Colonial Group actively works on genealogical research of the Colonial Period, from early immigration in the 1600’s until our country became the United States of America. We address …

DNA Study Group

DNA STUDY GROUP GOALS The goal of the DNA Study Group is to learn about your ancestors using many available resources. Study Group Facilitator Glenn York, is one of our DNA instructors and lecturers for our society and others. DNA Coordinator: (Glenn York) email: [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Study groups are free to attend anytime, but our …

Family History Writing Group

FAMILY HISTORY GROUP GOALS This group discusses how to research and write a family history using multiple methods. Each member will provide a personal family history while researching their family history. Group Leader: (Bruce Harshberger) email: [email protected] MEETINGS Our Family History Writers Group meets online via Zoom the Second Tuesday of a month from 2:00 …

German Study Group

GERMAN STUDY GROUP GOALS The goal of the German Study Group is to learn about their German ancestors using many available resources. This group discusses their German ancestors, German databases, and personal stories from the members in their German research. The German Study Group meets on the last Thursday of each month on Zoom at …

Irish Study Group

[icon name=”facebook-official” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] IRISH STUDY GROUP GOALS The goal of the Irish Study Group is to learn about their Irish ancestors using many available resources. Irish Study Group Leader: Contact Mary Novotny (Email: [email protected]). MEMBERSHIP Study groups are free to attend anytime, but our society encourages visitors to apply for membership at: LCGS Membership. …

Technology Study Group

TECHNOLOGY STUDY GROUP GOALS The goal of the Technology Study Group is to learn about different technology methods in your research using many available resources plus review our attendees technology issues. Visitors are welcome to join our monthly meetings! CONTACTS Bob’s background is technology with a degree in electronics engineering, and uses technology in his …