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Family History Writing Group


This group discusses how to research and write a family history using multiple methods. Each member will provide a personal family history while researching their family history.

Bruce Harshberger

Group Leader: (Bruce Harshberger) email: [email protected]


Family History Writing Group

Our Family History Writers Group meets online via Zoom the Second Tuesday of a month from 2:00 – 3:30 PM. Participants may submit a family story they have written to the Group Coordinator. Then the story may be shared by the coordinator and read by the writer, after which the group gives helpful feedback. The goal is actually to use our family history research in stories. The audience is our families–if they want the stories!


Study groups are free to attend anytime, but our society encourages visitors to apply for membership at: LCGS Membership. Dues are only $25/yr for a single person. Membership includes a subscription to the LCGS monthly newsletter and to participate in their monthly meetings. Details about LCGS monthly meetings and other events can be found on our homepage at LCGS Website.

Larimer County Genealogical Society P. O. Box 270737 Fort Collins, Colorado 80527-0737


Ancestry Website

Find My Past US Website

FamilySesarch Website

My Heritage website

Additional Websites:

Family History Writing Help Website

My Stories Website

Family History Blogs:
Family History Writing Blog

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