The goal of the Technology Study Group is to learn about different technology methods in your research using many available resources plus review our attendees technology issues. Visitors are welcome to join our monthly meetings!
Bob’s background is technology with a degree in electronics engineering, and uses technology in his everyday activities.
Bob was a systems engineer, sales engineer, and certified instructor for Motorola’s Communications & Media Sectors during his past 28 year career with them. He volunteers for our society as the Education Chair and Video & Web Committee Chair and for the statewide Colorado Council as their Society Management Workshop and Webinar Chair. He has been researching genealogy for over 25 years and published his family history book “The Coffin-Pierson Legacy” in 2007 comprised of 125 family histories and 600 photos covering two centuries with the help of 30 cousins. He currently is the Marketing Director, Managing Editor, and photo-journalist for 50 Plus Media Solutions and writes a technology column for their regional senior newspaper (50 Plus Marketplace News) in Northern Colorado.
Join us monthly on Zoom by contacting Bob Larson at email: [email protected]. We’ll add you to our email list.
Study groups are free to attend anytime, but our society encourages visitors to apply for membership at: LCGS Membership. Dues are only $25/yr for a single person. Membership includes a subscription to the LCGS monthly newsletter and to participate in their monthly meetings. Details about LCGS monthly meetings and other events can be found on our homepage at LCGS Website.
Larimer County Genealogical Society P. O. Box 270737 Fort Collins, Colorado 80527-0737

The Technology Study Group normally meets monthly on second Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Our meetings are being held via Zoom video conferencing. You need to submit your email address to the TSG Coordinator to be included in Zoom invitations. The description of each class will be available on the home page or our events page.
Meetings normally include a 30-60 minute presentation and about 30 minutes of discussion regarding recent member successes, upcoming events of interest and assistance requests. Presentations usually focus on tips for conducting technology research, including genealogy software and research & database web sites, and various genealogy products.
All technology meetings are recorded and the videos are available on our secured webpages under the Membership tab.
2025 Technology Study Group Meetings Schedule
Month | Subject | Speakers |
January 13 | Google Apps for Genealogists | None |
February 12 | Consumer Electonics Show Technology Highlights | Bob Larson & Others |
March 12 | Rootstech Conference Highlights | Bob Larson & Others |
April 9 | More RootsTech Review – What New Technologies are Available for Genealogists | Bob Larson & Others |
May 8 | TBA | Bob Larson & Others |
June 12 | No Meeting- Summer Break | No Meeting |
July 10 | No Meeting – Summer Break | No Meeting |
August 14 | No Meeting – Summer Break | No Meeting |
September 11 | TBA | Bob Larson & Others |
October 9 | TBA | Bob Larson & Others |
November 13 | TBA | Bob Larson & Others |
December 11 | TBA | Bob Larson & Others |
Many or all of our meetings will be recorded for later playback and sent via email invitation to those who couldn’t attend or want to revisit the subject! The videos will also be available in our Members Only section or if you are a guest, you can send me an email request and I’ll send you the video link.
Use the many different available sources on the Internet such as the FREE or subscription genealogy databases on your home computer.
You can also download our LCGS 2021 Popular Genealogy Websites.
Genealogy Reviews
Top Ten Reviews on Genealogy Family Tree Apps
Top Ten Reviews on Genealogy Websites
Family Tree Magazine’s Annual 101 Best Genealogy Websites
Free Genealogy Database Websites
Free Colorado Newspaper & Other States Newspapers Websites.
Genealogy Subscription Database Websites:
Product Info Websites:
Family Tree Maker genealogy
Legacy Family Tree genealogy software
Reunion for MacIntosh genealogy software
Roots Magic genealogy software
Genealogy Technology Blogs
Randy Seaver’s Gene Musings Blog
Thank you for visiting our website!