The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Genealogy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a widely debated and controversial topic, with fears and concerns surrounding its potential impact on various aspects of society. While some see it as a groundbreaking technology that can revolutionize our world, others view it as a threat to humanity itself.

One area where AI is already making a significant impact is in genealogy. Genealogists can now benefit from the use of AI in various ways, from DNA matches to document scanning and transcription. It is changing the way we explore our family history and providing innovative tools to assist in the research process.

So, what exactly is AI? It refers to the creation of programs that mimic human intelligence by teaching software to learn on its own. This allows AI to gather and analyze vast amounts of data, enabling it to imitate human thinking and decision-making processes. AI is being used extensively in genealogical research, providing faster and more accurate results than ever before.

DNA testing has become increasingly popular in genealogy, and AI plays a vital role in this field. AI algorithms can identify matches between individuals who share common DNA, helping genealogists discover previously unknown relatives. The speed and accuracy of these matches would be nearly impossible to achieve manually, as AI can process enormous amounts of data in a short period.

Popular genealogy websites like Ancestry.com and My Heritage also employ AI technology to assist users in their search for ancestors. AI tries to match the information provided by users with the database records, providing potential connections and clues to lineage. Although there are still some improvements needed in these AI-powered search engines, the technology continues to evolve and learn to provide better results over time.

You can read more in an article by Lidia Perska published in the elblog.pl web site at: https://tinyurl.com/2ukr2v89.