The Latest Weekly EOGN Newsletter Is Now Available

Here is a list of all of this week’s articles, all of them available here at 

(+) How to Keep Your Files Stored in the Cloud Private for Your Eyes Only
MyHeritage Introduces AI Biographer™: Create a Wikipedia-like Biography for Any Ancestor Using AI, Enriched with Historical Context

Your DNA Test Says Your Ancestors Came from WHERE?

Why Your Family Name Was Not Changed at Ellis Island

Here’s How to Discover if Your Surname Comes From Yorkshire

Inside the Pennsylvania Court Case Pitting a Genealogist Against

New Monument Honoring Black Revolutionary War Soldiers Planned for Maryland State House

New Jersey State Library Announces Genealogy Webinar

Word of the Day: Grandfamily

It’s a Grave Misunderstanding

Revealing How an Ancient Genetic Invader Inhabits Our DNA

The Internet Archive is Looking For Creative Short Films Made By You!

Introductory Videos on YouTube

Texas Woman Reunites With Birth Mom 50 Years After She Was Forced Into Adoption

Recently Added and Updated Collections on

What Will Enter the Public Domain in 2024?

And We’re Off! Time To Get Started On This Year’s Public Domain Game Jam

Supreme Court Connections

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