The Social Dilemma of Over-Sharing Genetic Test Results

Don’t be guilty of this! From the Miss Manners newspaper column:

Dear Miss Manners: Lately at social events, I often find myself trapped by people who want to share, in excruciating detail, their genetic test results.

Each person finds their own results deeply compelling, marveling at length over being 3% this and 15% that, with stunning reveals like, “I thought we were Welsh, but it turns out we’re Scottish!” Meanwhile, the next person is on deck, barely half-listening, eagerly getting ready to launch into their own genetic saga.

Monologuing about the minutiae of one’s DNA is self-absorption at, quite literally, the cellular level. Is there a polite way to shut this down?

You can read Miss Manners’ reply at: http://bit.ly/4aPqdZN.