‘My Town, My Story’ will help Connecticut public libraries build digital collections of local history and memory
Connecticut Humanities (CTH) has awarded a Partnership Grant of $173,711 to the Connecticut Digital Archive (CTDA) for an exciting new project called My Town, My Story. My Town, My Story is focused specifically on helping Connecticut public libraries build digital collections of local histories and encourage individuals and community groups to contribute to the common memory of their town.
The grant allows the UConn Library to build and market an easy-to-use program to collect local history from communities across Connecticut that can be set up in any public area of a library or similar organization.
“By creating a pre-packaged and ready to use program, we are excited to get the incredibly rich information from people who have not traditionally contributed to building a digital cultural heritage collection,” says Greg Colati, Director of the UConn Library Digital Preservation Repository Program. The wider net cast to collect from community members will broaden the resources being preserved and made available to the people of Connecticut.
You can read more in an article by Jean Cardinale published in the UConn web site at: https://tinyurl.com/y9yhpmeh.