Utah Lab Working On Tulsa Race Massacre Investigation Says People Are Turning In DNA, Family History

The Utah lab working on the Tulsa Race Massacre graves investigation said people are starting to turn in information and DNA. People sharing that information are hopeful they could be a match with the remains found in a mass grave at Oaklawn Cemetery last summer. Intermountain Forensics said it has received dozens of submissions, of family stories and family trees.

The genealogy team said about 70 percent of people sharing information have already taken a consumer DNA test, through places like Ancestry.com or “23 and Me.”

Intermountain Forensics Genealogy Case Manager Alison Wilde said many of those people have uploaded their information to the databases the lab will be using going forward, which she said is “fantastic.”

So far, Intermountain Forensics said it only has two samples from the remains found at Oaklawn last summer, that it feels confident about trying to find matches with. Archeologists said they sent remains to the lab from 14 individuals found at Oaklawn.

You can read more in an article written by Amy Slanchik and published in the newson6.com web site at: https://bit.ly/3RZd8nu.