WorldCat.org and Genealogy: A Powerful Combination

Have you used WorldCat to research your family tree? If not, you are missing one of the best online web sites for use in genealogy.

Quoting from https://www.worldcat.org/topics/genealogy:

WorldCat.org connects genealogical researchers to millions of pieces of unique content not found elsewhere.

Newspapers, family Bibles, cemetery and burial archives, microfilm, and digitized local records—it’s a treasure trove of family history waiting to be uncovered. Learn how to make the most of this powerful, global resource.

Connecting you to an incredible range of resources

Genealogists love libraries and archives because they are often the only source for unique, local information about births, deaths, marriages, businesses, and other family histories. WorldCat.org can connect you to a huge variety of sources of information in this topic area including:

Cemetery and burial records

United States Civil War and other military records

Family Bibles, church histories, and records

General genealogical resources, such as directories, handbooks, and magazines

Indexes of births, marriages, deaths, wills, and obituaries

Microfilmed genealogy and local history collections

Newspapers from many countries


Slavery and antislavery materials, including slave records

Town histories and probate records

In addition to library resources, WorldCat.org also connects you to millions of records from FamilySearch, a nonprofit family history organization with the largest collection of genealogical and historic records in the world.

You can start at: https://www.worldcat.org/topics/genealogy.