Worldwide Holocaust Memorial Monuments Digital Database Is Launched

The digital database “Holocaust Memorial Monuments”  has been launched as a partnership project of the Center for Jewish Art, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies/The George Feldenkreis Program in Judaic Studies, University of Miami, Florida; and theInternational Survey of Jewish Monuments, Syracuse, New York.

The new database – still in a developmental stage – has been created to collect and preserve digital documentation about Holocaust memorial monuments worldwide, including standardized mapping, photography, description, and historical research.

It also includes a growing bibliography on Holocaust and memorial monuments. The database records searchable and comparative information for educational, public policy, and academic use. It is a component of the Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art – the world’s largest repository of documentation on Jewish material culture — and will also be accessible from the Miller Center and ISJM sites.

The total number of Holocaust memorial monuments in the world is unknown, but the project team estimates that it may be above 10,000.

The first stages of the project include, in addition to developing the database itself, research about and photography of a wide selection of different types of Holocaust memorial monuments in various places; compilation of a bibliography; and preparation of a master list of memorial monuments that will be further documented in years to come.

You can read more at: https://jewish-heritage-europe.eu/2022/12/01/new-resource-holocaust-monuments/