Naturalized or Not? Many genealogists think that the typical immigrant was naturalized as soon as possible after he arrived in the United States. While some were, a large number delayed becoming citizens for years, even decades after they were eligible. Still others never naturalized at all. Americans tend to assume that everyone who lives …
Genealogy Varies
August 2, 2024 Everybody’s genealogy journey is different. Many years ago, when I began the search for my family’s roots, I took classes to help me figure out how to proceed. The classes taught me that I should begin with myself and move backwards from there. They introduced me to various records such as censuses …
Pioneer Day
July 26, 2024 Genealogists like to connect with their ancestors in all sorts of ways. Some make the recipes that their great great-grandmothers made. Others enjoy displaying family artifacts such as photos, furniture and quilts. Still others visit the homesteads and houses where their ancestors lived. I’ve been known to do all the above, …