Visitors are always welcome to attend any of the events listed below. All classes and workshops below are FREE to attend except as noted in each event. Thank you for visiting our website!
LCGS Programs (visitors welcome)
The following is a list of our monthly programs.
Professional genealogist and presenter Linda Harmes Okazaki will be our guest speaker at our March 15th general meeting at 10 am in the Prairie Sage [...]
LCGS Conferences (visitors welcome)
The following is a list of programs. Please scroll down to the calendar at the bottom of this page and select the month you wish to see. No conferences are scheduled in 2023.
LCGS Classes and Workshops (visitors welcome)
The following is a list of classes and workshops.
Please use the following link to the Education Page for more educational offerings.
This class on My Heritage Website will be held at the Loveland Library in the upstairs Erion meeting room on Saturday, March 22 from 11:30 [...]
Please Register below Class Date: Saturday, March 29, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm in person & on Zoom! CLASS DESCRIPTION New to genealogy? Genealogy instructor [...]
This class is on April 19 from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm in the Erion Room at the Loveland Public Library & on Zoom! Please [...]
Please register below to receive the handout! This FREE in person class is on April 15 from 9 am to noon in the Erion Meeting [...]
Please register below to receive the handout! This FREE hybrid with Zoom class is on May 10 from 11:30 am to noon in the Erion [...]
Please register below to receive the handout! This free class will be on Saturday, May 17 from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm at the Loveland [...]
LCGS Study Groups (visitors welcome)
The following is a list of our study groups.
Our Website Study Group, meets monthly on the 4th Monday from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Zoom. Study Group Description: The study group’s [...]
We offer open discussions and short demos. This is the schedule for each month. 6:00-7:00: Optional [...]
Meetings: This group meets the 4th Tuesday from 1:30 - 3:30 pm via Zoom only. The Irish Study Group reviews Irish genealogy research each month. [...]
In January, we are returning to our regular meetings on the last Wednesday of the month via Zoom only. We are not meeting in-person at [...]