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Whether you are new to genealogy or have years of experience, you can always learn a new, technique, source of information, or way to search.  Besides our many education events shown on our events page, there are many more learning aids shown below from the comfort of your own home.

New to Genealogy?
Visit our Beginner’s Genealogy Webpage to learn more when starting your genealogy and learning about your ancestors.

Fort Collins (Poudre River) & Loveland Public Library Computer Classes
Want to learn about computers and how they can help you? FREE computer classes are offered at Fort Collins Harmony Library and the Loveland Public Library to see these offering select one the underlined links below.View/Register for FREE Fort Collins (Poudre River) Harmony Computer Classes

View/Register for FREE Loveland Technology Class

Society Study Groups
Our society has seven study groups available for our members and new visitors interested in learning about your ancestors by these subjects or locations:, Colonial, English, DNA, Family History Writing, German, Irish, & Technology. Visit our Study Group webpage for joining!

Family Search Free Online Classes
Family Search Free Online Videos

Virtual Realty and Genealogy
Learn how virtual reality can help you discover your roots and ancestors!
Download this white paper on virtual reality and genealogy.

Download this white paper on the future of genealogy using virtual reality.

Visit this website on viewing your family tree in virtual reality.

Watch this 50 minute video by our society on virtual reality and its use for genealogy purposes.

Annual Genealogy Classes & Monthly Program Schedule
We normally feature 12 to 15 classes and workshops annually at two different library systems in Fort Collins, Loveland, &Windsor. Download our 2024 Annual Class & Monthly Program Schedule

Our Recommended Genealogy Websites
Our society created the 2024 Popular Genealogy Websites document for our members and visitors. They include FREE and paid subscription database websites, message boards, and FREE genealogy help volunteer websites. You can also download our LCGS 2024 Popular Genealogy Websites.

Recommended DNA Websites
Honest Product Reviews of Top Five U.S. Genealogy DNA Labs

Detailed DNA Info by International Society of Genetic Genealogists

Cousins Relationships Explained
Our past Vice President Tammie Gregori gave a nice presentation at our January 2019 Annual Meeting on explaining how you are related to your many cousins through the different generations.Cousins, Cousins Everywhere Presentation

Genealogy Rocks Monthly Column
Our society staff writes a monthly genealogy column in 50 Plus Marketlace News. Please visit this webpage for interesting and informational columns on genealogy.Genealogy Rocks Column