This class on My Heritage Website will be held at the Harmony Library in the East meeting room on Saturday, November 4 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. This will be a hybrid (in-person & Zoom) meeting!

Class Description
Want to know about another great database full of many innovative features? Join us to learn about MyHeritage’s international and local database website and their many features including how to subscribe, accessing their many international genealogy databases, building a family tree, genealogy classes, and much more!
MyHeritage has rapidly risen in status among the “Big Four” Genealogy Research Sites (Ancestry, FamilySearch and FindMyPast) since its inception in 2003. Over the past five years, it has added many technological innovations to its web site. This presentation will provide an overview of the best and most frequently used features of MyHeritage and will also provide a short introduction to it’s Personal Genealogy Software Program—Family Tree Builder. Family Tree Builder and MyHeritage work together like Family Tree Maker and Ancestry.
MyHeritage has also developed a very effective set of tools for displaying and exploring your DNA data, for not only its own DNA tests; but, also, for data from other DNA testing companies. Incorporated into the presentation will be on-line demonstrations of many of MyHeritage’s key features, and a comparison between the Home and Library Editions.
Speaker Profile
Del is an instructor and was the past facilitator for the German Study Group for our society. He is Secretary of the Longs Peak Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. He also gives presentations for the International German Genealogy Partnership Conference. Del has given over 120 genealogy presentations to numerous groups in the Southern California and Northern Colorado areas in the past nine years. He published, “Breathing Life Into My Family Ancestors” in late 2011 and published his second book “Ordinary People Who Accomplished the Extraordinary—Our Immigrant Ancestors and Their Descendants” in November 2019.
Del began researching his family history in 1994. He served in leadership positions in several San Diego genealogy organizations; including President, Computer Genealogy Society of San Diego and Program Director, San Diego Genealogical Society. He was Chair of The Working Group for soliciting Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers for the June 2019 International German Genealogy Partnership Conference held in Sacramento.
Everyone interested in genealogy or family history is welcome to attend our free online classes!
Register below to receive the handout and Zoom info on the evening (between 7 to 10 pm) before the event!
Everyone that is interested in genealogy or family history is welcome to our FREE online classes!
Map to Harmmony Library
Questions? Contact: Education Chair Bob Larson at [email protected]
Be sure to use our Thursday afternoon (except holiday weeks) genealogy help session from 1 to 3 pm at the Fort Collins Downtown Library and Loveland Library. Members or visitors: please send an email to [email protected] with your request, and if for an ancestor, please send your family tree info from Ancestry, MyHeritage or a family tree image from your genealogy software.
For more genealogy tips: please visit and ‘Like’ us on our Facebook page .
Thank you for visiting our website!
Registration is closed for this event.