Program: Peopling Colonial New England: 1620-1787

Our April 20 program  Peopling Colonial New England: 1620-1787″ by John E. Putnam begins at 6:30 pm. Visitors (not LCGS members) need to register below to receive the Zoom info and handout.

President Larry Doyle provides a brief overview of our society with the latest committee reports followed by tonight’s program.

Reminder: Visitors are welcome and can register below to receive the Zoom info and handout!

Program Description:

From several small coastal settlements in the early 17th century, the early settlers and their descendants as well as new immigrants migrated to other parts of the New England frontier over the next 150 years. Many reasons led to these migrations which infilled the settlement of most areas of New England by the time that the new Republic was established in 1787. As this presentation will demonstrate, there were many ebbs and flows in this process over this time period. Why should this matter to genealogists? If you had ancestors in this region, this presentation will help you understand why your ancestors were part of this dynamic process; where and how to look for your ancestors in this area; and how the population pressures in Colonial New England continually pushed the borders outward. If your ancestors lived elsewhere, this New England settlement model became a template for the future development of the rest of the country as well as fueling the settlement of many areas of the remaining United States.


            John E. Putnam


Speaker Profile:

John E. Putnam is a native of Western Massachusetts where he grew up on a farm; attended public schools, and attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he earned his BA in Government/Political Science. While at college, he debated four years and married his debate partner, Sue, after his graduation. He earned a MA in Political Science at the University of Colorado

Sue and John have two sons. John II lives in Boulder and is the General Counsel of the US Department of Transportation. Peter is a pediatrician in St. Louis. They have four grandchildren which keep Nana and Papa busy keeping up with their educational, sports, and cultural pursuits.

John’s interest in genealogy started at a very young age when his two grandmothers would tell stories about the family. He also attended both Putnam and Clark family reunions. As a twelfth generation New Englander, there were many stories to be told. His Putnam ancestors lived in Salem/Danvers, MA where they were very involved in the Salem Witchcraft incident. A great uncle was a major general in the Revolution so he got an early indoctrination in the exploits of these historical Putnams. His Clark ancestors descend from two Mayflower Pilgrims although this history was determined later in his life. The Clark stories revolved around the hardships of farming in Western Massachusetts during the nineteenth century. Both his parents were active in their local historical society and frequently added to John’s interest in Western Massachusetts local history.

John is the past President of the Pikes Peak Genealogical Society and serves as their delegate to the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies. In December 2011, he wrote a paper telling about his Teaching Grannies for a local genealogy course taken at Pikes Peak Community College. In June 2012, he presented a paper at the Pikes Peak Regional Historical Symposium on Historical Floods in the Pikes Peak Region. He currently facilitates three special interest groups for PPGS: Colonial America, English, and German.

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